Sublime Skin Tightening
The wait for a truly effective, non-invasive method for skin tightening and wrinkle reduction is now over with The Laser Center’s recent acquisition of a remarkable technology that performs a procedure called Sublime (formerly known as ReFirme).
“By contrast, the Sublime procedure not only tightens skin and reduces wrinkles on the neck, face and other areas of the body, but it delivers results faster and without the pain associated with other treatments,” says Dr. Jochen. “I felt it was worth it to invest in this technology because it works – safely and effectively.”
The Sublime procedure works by combining electrical energy (bi-polar radio-frequency) and optical energy (infrared light). This unique elos (electro-optical synergy) technology is from Syneron, a respected manufacturer of medical aesthetic devices. Light creates higher temperatures in the epidermis (the top layer of the skin), while the combination of light and RF penetrates into the deeper dermis. This combination makes it possible to treat fine wrinkles on the skin’s surface as well as deeper wrinkles – all in the same procedure. But because a lower level of these energies is required to power Sublime, patients can achieve the skin-tightening and wrinkle reduction they want without the risks or pain associated with other treatments.
“Most patients experience no side effects at all with the Sublime procedure,” says Dr. Jochen. “A few have had short-term reddening of the surrounding skin, but there is virtually no downtime with this technology – only smoother, plumper skin.”