When the Diagnosis is Psoriasis, Vitiligo, or Atopic Dermatitis, the Treatment is Clear.

XTRAC is the only FDA-cleared, clinically proven excimer laser that gets skin clear of psoriasis and vitiligo—and it works fast, with many patients seeing significant improvement and long-lasting remissions. Because XTRAC delivers a highly targeted, therapeutic beam of UVB light only to areas of the skin affected by psoriasis, healthy skin surrounding the lesions stays that way.

XTRAC Helps Repigment Skin with Vitiligo


XTRAC Helps Repigment Skin with Vitiligo

When the Diagnosis is Psoriasis, Vitiligo, or Atopic Dermatitis, the Treatment is Clear.

XTRAC is the only FDA-cleared, clinically proven excimer laser that gets skin clear of psoriasis and vitiligo—and it works fast, with many patients seeing significant improvement and long-lasting remissions. Because XTRAC delivers a highly targeted, therapeutic beam of UVB light only to areas of the skin affected by psoriasis, healthy skin surrounding the lesions stays that way.

Understanding Xtrac Therapy

XTRAC clears the symptoms, prolongs the remission and returns skin to a clinically healthy state in record time. All of which means XTRAC delivers consistently predictable results so patients experience more good days of living than bad.

Quick Facts

  • Effective treatment—symptoms reduced generally in 10-12 treatment sessions
  • Long-lasting relief—typically several months free of symptoms”
  • Simple, painless treatment—sessions are very short
  • Relief without messy creams and daily skin care regimen
  • Covered by most major insurance companies, available by Rx

Scalp Psoriasis Can be Cleared. 95% XTRAC CLEAR.

XTRAC treatments can minimize and, in many cases, even eliminate Vitligo depigmented patches. The XTRAC [308 nm] excimer laser delivers a targeted beam of UVB light and only the areas of skin affected by Vitiligo receive the laser energy.

Though the laser spot size measures only 18mm x 18mm, due to rapid exposure times, relatively large, discrete areas can be treated in just five to 10 minutes, which is much quicker than the duration of conventional phototherapy light sessions. And most importantly, XTRAC treatments achieve complete response rates faster in a higher proportion of patients.

Vitiligo is Not Forever. XTRAC for Even Skin.

XTRAC Excimer Laser treatments can minimize and, in many cases, even eliminate Vitligo depigmented patches. The XTRAC [308 nm] excimer laser delivers a targeted beam of UVB light and only the areas of skin affected by Vitiligo receive the laser energy.

Though the laser spot size measures only 18mm x 18mm, due to rapid exposure times, relatively large, discrete areas can be treated in just five to 10 minutes, which is much quicker than the duration of conventional phototherapy light sessions. And most importantly, XTRAC treatments achieve complete response rates faster in a higher proportion of patients.

Watch a Short XTRAC Treatment Video

The Contour Dermatology Difference

We specialize in offering state-of-the-art Xtrac therapy, providing effective solutions for Psoriasis, Vitiligo, and Atopic Dermatitis. Our commitment is to enhance your skin health with personalized care and advanced technology.

We believe in a tailored approach. Each session is designed to fit your unique needs, with treatments typically lasting only a few minutes. Our expert team will guide you through each step, ensuring a comfortable and effective experience.

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Our FAQ section below covers some of the questions we receive about Xtrac therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions About XTRAC

The XTRAC Therapy can be used on any plaque psoriasis regardless of location on the body. The XTRAC Therapy is excellent for hard to treat areas such as the scalp, knees or elbows.

The XTRAC Therapy can be used on any plaque psoriasis regardless of location on the body. The XTRAC Therapy is excellent for hard to treat areas such as the scalp, knees or elbows.

Yes. XTRAC treatments have been performed on children as young as just a few years old.

All major insurance companies and Medicare provide coverage for the XTRAC laser treatments. For questions about insurance coverage and to verify your benefits, please contact us at (760) 423-4000.

XTRAC therapy is performed two to three times per week in your physician’s office. Your physician will discuss with you the best treatment program that fits your need.

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Dr. Timothy Jochen Medical Director, Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dr. Jochen specializes in Mohs Surgery for skin cancer removal, facial rejuvenation including cosmetic laser technology, Botox® and facial fillers, soft tissue augmentation, leg and facial vein treatment, tumescent liposuction and hair restoration/transplants.
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