Neck Lift

Dr. Kameron s. Rezzadeh

Rejuvenation efforts tend to focus on the face but the neck is equally deserving of attention. The area is just as prone to wrinkling and sagging.

Rejuvenation efforts tend to focus on the face but the neck is equally deserving of attention. The area is just as prone to wrinkling and sagging.

Neck Lift

Rejuvenation efforts tend to focus on the face but the neck is equally deserving of attention. The area is just as prone to wrinkling and sagging.

Dr. Kameron s. Rezzadeh

Rejuvenation efforts tend to focus on the face but the neck is equally deserving of attention. The area is just as prone to wrinkling and sagging.

What Causes a Saggy Neck?

Sometimes simple gravity is the culprit but significant weight loss can also result in a lax, loose neck. A thin sheet of muscle known as the platysma muscle extends from the collarbone to the lower face. When it weakens, it too can affect the neck’s appearance resulting in prominent neck cords or bands.

Removes Excess Skin & Tightens Neck Muscles

A neck lift is designed to remove excess skin and fat while a platysmaplasty surgically tightens neck muscles. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kameron S. Rezzadeh performs neck lift and platysmaplasty procedures at Contour Dermatology & Cosmetic Surgery Center with intent to redefine the jaw line and restore a smooth, taut neck contour.

How is Platysmaplasty Performed?

Platysmaplasty and neck lift surgery are typically performed on an outpatient basis although savvy patients will often combine it with facelift surgery. On its own, a neck procedure is less invasive and involves making several discreet incisions to surgically excise excess skin and fat. Liposuction may be employed as well. In the case of a platysmaplasty, the neck muscles are adjusted and tightened to make the muscle resistant to new neckbands forming.

Neck Lift Downtime & Results

Some swelling and bruising can be expected following a platysmaplasty and/or neck lift procedure. However, only a few days of downtime may be needed provided no other procedures have been performed simultaneously. Patients see a noticeable difference in their neckline immediately and as swelling subsides, the rejuvenating and long-lasting results of this surgery will become fully apparent.

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Dr. Timothy Jochen Medical Director, Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dr. Jochen specializes in Mohs Surgery for skin cancer removal, facial rejuvenation including cosmetic laser technology, Botox® and facial fillers, soft tissue augmentation, leg and facial vein treatment, tumescent liposuction and hair restoration/transplants.
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