smooth consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid
Juvéderm™ is a smooth consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid—a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration. It offers natural-looking correction of facial wrinkles and folds for up to six months or longer.
Juvéderm™ lasts long* because it’s the only dermal filler currently available with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid (the same substance used in Restylane) and a unique formulation process. This process creates a smooth gel that flows into the skin easily – creating smooth, natural looks.
smooth consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid
Juvéderm™ is a smooth consistency gel made of hyaluronic acid—a naturally occurring substance in your skin that helps to add volume and hydration. It offers natural-looking correction of facial wrinkles and folds for up to six months or longer.
Juvéderm™ lasts long* because it’s the only dermal filler currently available with the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid (the same substance used in Restylane) and a unique formulation process. This process creates a smooth gel that flows into the skin easily – creating smooth, natural looks.
Hyaluronic Acid is the Secret
“All other currently approved hyaluronic acid dermal fillers use a gel particle suspension formulation,” Dr. Jochen explains. “These gel particles are sometimes seen under especially thin skin. But the smooth consistency of Juvéderm restores fullness with a natural look and feel. Hyaluronic acid has taken the place of collagen as the best natural filler material.*

Juvéderm Provides Optimal Results
“In the majority of patients, Juvederm provides optimal results with a single treatment,” he adds. “And it delivers sustained results for up to six months or more.”
Juvéderm is available in three different formulations, giving Dr. Jochen the flexibility to tailor each treatment to the individual patient. Juvéderm for filling fine lines and wrinkles, such as crow’s feet or lines around the mouth.
Juvéderm Ultra XC for forehead wrinkles and moderate furrows. Juvéderm Ultra Plus XC for shaping lips and naso-labial folds, helping to restore volume to the face.
Hyaluronic acid occurs naturally in the body; it is a natural complex sugar found in all living organisms and creates volume and elasticity in the skin. Because it is a natural substance, it requires no allergy testing.