How does CoolSculpting Work?
This revolutionary technology targets and cools unwanted fat cells in the selected area to help induce a noticeable, natural-looking reduction in fat bulges. After treatment, targeted fat cells are eliminated for good. Untreated areas will have no change in fat cell distribution.
The CoolSculpting procedure is:
- FDA-cleared
- Non-surgical
- Safe and effective
How does CoolSculpting Work?
This revolutionary technology targets and cools unwanted fat cells in the selected area to help induce a noticeable, natural-looking reduction in fat bulges. After treatment, targeted fat cells are eliminated for good. Untreated areas will have no change in fat cell distribution.
The CoolSculpting procedure is:
- FDA-cleared
- Non-surgical
- Safe and effective
CoolSculpting has proven results without surgery! Renowned Harvard University scientists, Dieter Manstein MD and R. Rox Anderson MD, observed that some children got dimples due to eating popsicles. The idea that cold can selectively affect and eliminate fat cells without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue was the insight behind Cryolipolysis®, the proven science on which the CoolSculpting procedure is based.
- Many of us have stubborn fat despite diet and exercise.
- CoolSculpting technology uses controlled cooling (Cryolipolysis) to target and kill only these fat cells.