Peel Away Sun Damage

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels offer some very appealing results! They literally help peel away the effects of sun damage and age and restore a more youthful glow.

Chemical Peels at Contour Dermatology

Peel Away Sun Damage

Chemical Peels at Contour Dermatology

Chemical Peels

Chemical peels offer some very appealing results! They literally help peel away the effects of sun damage and age and restore a more youthful glow.

Different Levels of Chemical Peels

There are several levels of peels available at Contour Dermatology ranging from superficial mild and light peels, which we call our  “lunchtime peels” as they require no downtime, to our strongest peel, the TCA 25% Peel which involves a little downtime, but more dramatic results.

With most peels, the results are cumulative and are best delivered consistently over time with several treatments. A variety of light, superficial peels are offered by our estheticians. The deeper TCA peel is performed by one of our medical providers. Chemical peels may also be performed on the neck or the hands.

What happens during a chemical peel?

During a chemical peel, a topical solution is applied to the cleansed face, hands, neck or upper chest area for a few minutes and then wiped off with water. Depending on the strength of the peel, patients will experience light to moderate peeling for a few days after the procedure and with the stronger peel, some redness.  Moisturizer and sunscreen are very important following a peel and our professional medical staff will review the post-treatment instructions with you.

We offer personalized cosmetic consultations and are happy to meet with you to explain in detail the benefits and effectiveness of each of the peels we offer.

What Are The Differences in Chemical Peels for Skin Care, Which Peel is Right For YOU

The benefits of chemical peels Include:

  • Softening fine lines
  • Softening wrinkles
  • Smoother and more even skin texture
  • Brighter and more even skin tone and pigmentation

Esthetician Anne Marie Demonstrates a Chemical Peel

Some Peels to Consider:

Brown Spot, Pigmentation, Exfoliation and Acne Treatment Peels

Glycolic Peel – Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) which gently exfoliates the skin to reduce brown spots, acne scars, blemishes, fine lines and wrinkles and reveal a brighter complexion. Available in several strengths, it can be tailored to your skin type and needs.

Salicylic Acid Peel – Light peel with beta-hydroxyl acid (BHA) specifically targeted for those with oily skin, blackheads or prone to acne breakouts. A Salicylic peel takes just minutes. No topical anesthesia is required and there is no down time with this peel. Following the treatment, the skin may lightly peel for five to seven days.

Jessner’s Peel – The Jessner’s Peel is a solution consisting of 14% lactic acid and 14% salicylic acid (AHA) peeling agent with a resorcinol solvent. This is a strong chemical peel that is known for delivering great results.


Vi Peel Advanced – with this aggressive, yet superficial peel, you’ll see clearer, fresher skin in just five days! According to a clinical study by International Research Services, Inc., up to 71% of participants who received a Vi Peel, reported a significant improvement in “improved fine lines” and “skin suppleness.” Participants also rapidly showed a reduction in melanin content as the peel helps even out skin tone as well as showed an increase in collagen content. The study participants also noted significant improvement in crow’s feet lines. It is also an excellent peel for acne patients.

Vi Precision Plus Peel – Let VI Peel Precision Plus transform your skin. This fabulous treatment is the real deal with potent ingredients to peel away the chrysalis of old skin cells and reveal vibrant and youthful butterfly skin. We strive to live life to the fullest, resulting in skin that has sun damage, darkened pigment, wrinkles, fine lines, and scars. The best method to strip away your grimy, damaged skin cells is by treating yourself to sizzling VI-Peel Precision Plus.

TCA Peel

TCA Peel – The TCA chemical peel uses a chemical solution – trichloroacetic acid (TCA) – to improve and smooth the texture of the skin by removing its damaged outer layers. While TCA can be used in various concentrations, it’s most frequently used for medium-depth peeling for cosmetic purposes, making it a safe and effective option for individuals with superficial facial blemishes, surface wrinkles and uneven skin tone. It can also be used to treat precancerous conditions called keratoses, which are thick, rough and reddish growths on the face usually caused by sun damage.

Depending on your skin type, for the TCA peel, you may require pre-treatment with Retin-A or hydroquinone to prepare your skin prior to the peel so that you obtain the maximum results.

The TCA peel is fast and simple – the procedure takes no more than 15 minutes. After a thorough cleansing, the TCA is applied; it causes only a mild burning sensation at first that quickly subsides. No topical anesthesia is required (the TCA itself acts as an anesthetic). You may experience moderate discomfort and mild swelling within the first week after the procedure. Your skin will usually peel within five days; in about a week to 10 days you should be healed sufficiently to return to your normal activities. The “new” skin remains mildly pink for a few weeks. It is very important to avoid sun exposure after a chemical peel because the skin will be especially sensitive.

Patients report noticeably smoother and fresher-looking skin with the TCA peel. Dr. Timothy Jochen or one of our nurse practitioners will provide very specific pre- and post-procedure instructions to ensure that you achieve the optimum results. Two or more TCA peels may be needed to obtain the results you desire, and these can be spaced out over several months. Mild TCA peels may be repeated as often as every month.

Complications from any chemical peel are infrequent; the most common is peeling in some areas to a depth that can result in scarring. Since the TCA peel is not as strong as other chemical peels, this complication is rare. Chemical peels are contraindicated in certain patients – if you are taking oral contraceptives, for example, are pregnant, or have certain systemic diseases. We will discuss these issues with you in more detail.

“Chemical peels are a proven, non-invasive way to achieve brighter, younger-looking skin with minimal downtime and discomfort,” said Dr. Jochen. “They are an extremely effective component of an anti-aging regimen that should also include diligent skin care and wearing sunscreen daily.”

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Dr. Timothy Jochen Medical Director, Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dr. Jochen specializes in Mohs Surgery for skin cancer removal, facial rejuvenation including cosmetic laser technology, Botox® and facial fillers, soft tissue augmentation, leg and facial vein treatment, tumescent liposuction and hair restoration/transplants.
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