The most common complaints we
see and treat at Contour Dermatology are brittle nails, funguses, infections and nail dystrophy – the yellowing, thickening, ridges and misshapen nail beds of the toes or fingers.
Cutanea larva migrans is skin condition caused by infection with a parasitic worm.
Becker’s nevus is an uncommon (but not rare) benign skin lesion. “Nevus” is another word for a mole and as such this growth appears as a very large and irregularly shaped mole. Which can be present at birth but most appear in puberty.
Cowden syndrome is a very rare genetic disease classically manifesting as the appearance of multiple hamartomas – a benign (but still problematic) kind of tumor – both on the skin and within internal organs.
Congenital is a word that means “present from birth” while a nevus is the medical term for a mole. Therefore, a congenital nevus is a mole that was present on the body from birth.