She was born with a birthmark known as a port wine stain on her right cheek that extends from her right temple, under her nose, and to her lip.
Having worked at Contour for a year and a half, she has cultivated a robust skincare regimen, exclusively featuring products available at Contour.
This eye-drop solution slightly lifts your upper eyelids due to acquired blepharoptosis (low-lying lids), which can be a cosmetic concern for some people.
Welcome Phi-Yen “Mimi” VuTran, PA-C. Mimi is the first physician assistant to work with Contour Dermatology. Voted Best of the Desert, Best PA in 2022.
We are proud to announce we now offer Gentlecure Image-Guided SRT by SkinCure Oncology. A Non-surgical option to treat non-melanoma skin cancer.