The CoolAdvantage Difference
CoolSculpting® technology has made getting CoolSculpting easier and more effective than ever. The CoolAdvantage applicator freezes fat at a lower temperature than before.

The CoolAdvantage Difference

CoolSculpting® technology has made getting CoolSculpting easier and more effective than ever. The CoolAdvantage applicator freezes fat at a lower temperature than before.
In addition, these new applicators reduce treatment time nearly in half. Instead of 60-minute procedures, you can now have a 35 minute treatment with even better results than the 60-minute treatment. This is due to a revolutionary cup design and colder temperatures.
These CoolSculpting machines feature an adaptable 3-in-1 configuration and enhanced cup design for ease of use and comfort. Patients report 45% improvement in comfort scores during treatment with the CoolAdvantage applicator.
The new applicator cup shape led to a 45 percent increase in comfort during the treatment — already considered very tolerable by most patients. Eighty-five percent of the study subjects preferred the CoolAdvantage treatment due to its decreased treatment time and increased comfort.
The CoolSculpting Family of Applicators*

CoolFit Advantage
Ideal for vertical areas of fat such as the inner thigh. Treatment time: 35 minutes

CoolCore Advantage
CoolCore can be used to contour the abdomen. Treatment time: 35 minutes

CoolCurve+ Advantage
CoolCurve+ is the applicator of choice for flanks. Treatment time: 35 minutes