Cellulite, Causes & Solutions

Cellulite, Causes & Solutions

Cellulite has been an issue since the 1960's

Cellulite has been plaguing women since the 1960s, when bikinis became the mainstream beach attire and hemlines took a sharp turn to the North and have yet to return, the then somewhat newly named skin condition has been a source of embarrassment for millions of women and, yes, even men the world over. It has made rich, the snake oil salesmen peddling every form of cream and potion to those that desire healthy looking skin.

Is there really a way to get reduce cellulite or at least reduce it to an acceptable level? Yes, there are several treatment options. To make an informed treatment decision one needs to know:

What exactly is cellulite anyway? Cellulite is fat beneath the skin that has pushed though the fibrous connective tissue that helps connect the skin to the muscles showing up as the orange peel skin dimpling.

Who gets Cellulite? A review gives a prevalence of 80%-98% of post-pubescent women. So, none of us who have this are alone.

What causes cellulite? The fact that a majority of women have some amount of cellulite indicates that it is physiologic rather than pathologic. That’s a way of using science words to explain it’s not just hereditary. “Well, what else then,” you ask?

What are the Physiologic Causes of Cellulite?

Changes in metabolism; dieting too extreme or for too long; alteration of connective tissue due to age, health, and hormones; inflammatory alterations; lymphatic and circulatory insufficiency; and today’s high stress life style that increases levels of catecholamine associated with the development of cellulite.

What can be done? Coming to Contour Dermatology has already started you on the right track. How so? Since there are many causes of this blight to beach goers, poolside loungers, and lovers of festival wear, there are many treatments that can be Contoured, pun intended, to your particular needs.


VelaShape III: Radio-frequency, low level laser, and mechanical message help to increase circulation and break up the fibrous tissue trapping the fat between the fascia and the skin. It also increases the production of collagen which helps tighten any lax skin further helping to reduce the appearance.

Dermaroller to help with the changing laxity of your skin that exacerbates the appearance of cellulite. Not only is this treatment used by celebrities for youthful looking faces, necks and décolletages, but it can help with buttocks, hips, thighs, and the backs of those arms.

Fraxel Laser again helps to repair the skins collagen to tighten the skin.

Massage to help with stress relief that helps to calm inflammatory factors and the decrease of stress related hormones that trigger the development of cellulite.

Whatever your source of this skin condition, Contour Dermatology has a system that will help you achieve your skin goals.

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Dr. Timothy Jochen Medical Director, Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dr. Jochen specializes in Mohs Surgery for skin cancer removal, facial rejuvenation including cosmetic laser technology, Botox® and facial fillers, soft tissue augmentation, leg and facial vein treatment, tumescent liposuction and hair restoration/transplants.

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