Leave Your Double Chin at Contour

Double Chin Treatments at Contour Dermatology

Double chin. Submental fullness. Baby fat. Flab. Pudginess. Whatever you call it, nobody likes it. And well over half of us have to deal with it.

Double chin. Submental fullness. Baby fat. Flab. Pudginess. Whatever you call it, nobody likes it. And well over half of us have to deal with it. I’m talking about the fatty area that builds up under the chin giving the appearance of two chins.

Fatty Area, Known as a Double Chin

I’m talking about the fatty area that builds up under the chin giving the appearance of two chins. With the added social aspects of video chats and selfies, it’s understandable that this cosmetic problem has negative effects on anyone who has to deal with it.

There are many things that could cause submental fullness. Aging is a big factor. As skin loosens and muscles relax, the fat can accumulate in areas it didn’t always before. When we gain weight our whole faces can round out added to the fat under the chin. Even as we lose the weight, the submental area could be stubborn and retain the fat that has built up there. Sadly, it might just be genetics for you and there is nothing you could have done to prevent it. The problem now is getting rid of the fullness that has built up.

There are plenty of things we do to try and cover this up like scarfs and turtlenecks. You may have tried facial yoga, chin exercises, or even massages. While some things you see on Pinterest or a blog may work, let us give you a few ideas that will definitely improve your look.

Double Chin Treatments at contour Dermatology

At Contour, we specialize in a form of liposuction known as liposculpture, the most advanced technique in body contouring to date. We use the latest proven innovations and techniques in this field. Double chins  are one of the most common areas we perform liposuction on. The good news is, with liposuction the results are generally permanent!

Velashape is a laser treatment that focuses on  circumferential reduction and cellulite reduction. It feels like a deep tissue massage and leaves the skin on the neck tighter and smoother.

As you lose the submental fullness, you might notice a bit of a skin waddle under your chin. Having a mini facelift would be perfect to tighten and pull back the skin of the lower part of your face, or jowl area.

All of these treatments are great solutions to your submental fullness problem. Contact Contour Dermatology today for a consultation!

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Dr. Timothy Jochen Medical Director, Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dr. Jochen specializes in Mohs Surgery for skin cancer removal, facial rejuvenation including cosmetic laser technology, Botox® and facial fillers, soft tissue augmentation, leg and facial vein treatment, tumescent liposuction and hair restoration/transplants.

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