Multi-talented BOTOX

The Injectable Wrinkle Remover and More!

Mention Botox and the first thing anyone ever thinks is oh, yes, the injectable wrinkle remover. It’s literally become a household name due to this wondrous ability.

Botox is a multi-talented injectable from Allergan

Multi-talented BOTOX

Botox is a multi-talented injectable from Allergan

The Injectable Wrinkle Remover and More!

Mention Botox and the first thing anyone ever thinks is oh, yes, the injectable wrinkle remover. It’s literally become a household name due to this wondrous ability.

Botox, It's More than a Wrinkle Relaxer

The common theory is people use it to diminish fine lines and creases on their forehead, end of story. Maybe you even use it for that purpose. If you do, or you think that’s all Botox does, you don’t know Botox. It has the capacity to do so much more.

But first the facts: Botox, or multinational toxin A, is a drug used to treat a good number of medical conditions including overactive bladder, chronic migraines and excessive sweating. However, its real ascent to fame began once it was discovered that by injecting it into certain areas of the face, it could temporarily relax the muscles that cause wrinkles. Now it’s the #1 non-invasive cosmetic procedure in the country with nearly 7 million treatments performed annually.

Botox is most effective at treating “movement” wrinkles. Naturally, foreheads fall into this category. Every time you widen your eyes or lift your eyebrows, usually several creases appear there and over time, unfortunately, they remain. Botox is good at smoothing those. But what about those other movement areas? Chances are crow’s feet appear at the corner of your eyes when you smile. Did you know Botox is good at softening those? If you scrunch your nose up when you concentrate and get bunchy lines at the top – again, Botox. Same for “the 11s” – those side-by-side vertical creases that frequently sink in between brows. Botox addresses lipstick lines too, and can even diminish the creases or “banding” that appears on your neck.

If you’re one of many people who suffer from excessive perspiration, maybe you already know about Botox’s ability to zap that embarrassing problem. However, were you aware it can also be effective on hands and feet that sweat profusely, not to mention scalps? Think how nice it would be to not have sweat beads dotting your brow on an otherwise mild day.

It’s a shame Botox’s many talents frequently go untapped. At Contour, we’re committed to educating you about this popular injectable and all it can accomplish. Ask us about Botox – there’s sure to be some aspect that is just right for you.

07 Sep: DAXI (Daxxify) Erases Frown Lines to the Maxi!

Say bye, bye to forehead frown lines for six to nine months! Contour Derm is excited to introduce DAXXIFY. the only long-lasting frown line treatment available.

08 Aug: Glowtox – A Beautiful Combo with Savings

Let’s talk about things that glow. Let’s talk about you! Will you click more to read about a cool combo we’ve paired? It’s called Glowtox.

22 Oct: Botox Injections for TMJ Disorder by Dr. Timothy Jochen

Reduces tension between your jaw muscles, Botox can help relieve symptoms of temporomandibular joint disorders. Botox can be injected into your jaw muscles.


Let’s give three cheers for Botox Cosmetic! Once again, this amazing product has proven it is a reliable treatment to relieve the pain of TMJ for months at a time.

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Dr. Timothy Jochen Medical Director, Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dr. Jochen specializes in Mohs Surgery for skin cancer removal, facial rejuvenation including cosmetic laser technology, Botox® and facial fillers, soft tissue augmentation, leg and facial vein treatment, tumescent liposuction and hair restoration/transplants.

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