Put Your Best Face Forward: Avoid These Common Skincare Mistakes

Simple Changes for Healthier, Radiant Skin

Achieving healthy, radiant skin isn’t just about the products you use; it’s also about avoiding common skincare mistakes that can undermine your efforts. Many of us unknowingly make skincare missteps that can lead to irritation, dryness, or even breakouts. By identifying and correcting these habits, you can enhance your skincare routine and put your best face forward every day.

Put your Best Face Forward by not making these common skin care mistakes.

Put Your Best Face Forward: Avoid These Common Skincare Mistakes

Put your Best Face Forward by not making these common skin care mistakes.

Simple Changes for Healthier, Radiant Skin

Achieving healthy, radiant skin isn’t just about the products you use; it’s also about avoiding common skincare mistakes that can undermine your efforts. Many of us unknowingly make skincare missteps that can lead to irritation, dryness, or even breakouts. By identifying and correcting these habits, you can enhance your skincare routine and put your best face forward every day.


We are all guilty of doing this every once and  awhile, but what if I told you, your mother was right! Washing your face before bed is a MUST! Not only does not doing this step cause clogged pores which creates buildup of dirt and oil causing blackheads, not washing your face can cause premature aging! Dun. Dun.. Dunnn!  Women wear make up to make themselves look younger, so stop being lazy and wash away the debris because by not doing so you are actually creating opposite affect long term!


Frequently changing your bed sheets should be an extremely important step in your skin care routines. If you are one of those people who are guilty of habit #1, this is a double whammy if you’re not washing your sheets frequently, for when you hit the sheets each night you are distributing make up and dirt onto your pillowcase, so even if you wash your face the following evening it doesn’t matter because you already placed your head on top of all the dirt and grime. YUCK! If you are a sufferer of acne or blemishes try washing your pillow cases every 2-3 days- you may find that your low frequency of doing laundry is what’s causing your skin to break out.

Power Wash

It is so incredibility important to cleanse your skin daily. Morning and night! Not only do you need keep up with the frequency of washing but you need to make sure you are using the right cleanser for your skin. All of us have different skin types, some oil, normal or even dry. If you are using the incorrect cleanser you’re not doing your skin the right justice. Let’s face it, there are so many different types to choose from. First step is finding out what type of skin you have. If you have dry skin try using a sensitive cleanser to moisturize and not dry the skin out more. If you tend to have more oily skin look for a wash that foams, this will help with keeping your ph levels balanced.


I am sure you’ve heard the common saying, “what is good for your heart is good for you skin”. Always make sure you are eating foods high in antioxidants. Not only do these defend against free radicals, but this helps with the anti-aging process by protecting your skin for common damage such as acne and wrinkles. We cannot stress this enough but drink water is vital for your skins health and beauty. Water flushes out toxins, and allows nutrients to help give your skin that luscious glow we all desire.


I don’t think anyone really needs to read a blog to tell you the importance of sunscreen, but just in case you are well aware of the risk of not wearing it, but are still not taking care of your skin….. YOU WERE WARNED, WEAR SUNSCREEN! Not only does it prevent skin cancer but it will also keep you looking young and beautiful! Sun damage causes wrinkles, brown spots and redness. Using your sunscreen daily will help with your overall anti-aging process, and who wouldn’t want that!

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Dr. Timothy Jochen Medical Director, Contour Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery Center
Dr. Jochen specializes in Mohs Surgery for skin cancer removal, facial rejuvenation including cosmetic laser technology, Botox® and facial fillers, soft tissue augmentation, leg and facial vein treatment, tumescent liposuction and hair restoration/transplants.

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