Smoothbeam Laser
For Active Acne, Scarring, and Wrinkles

If you have acne, chances are you have some scarring to go with it too. While some acne scars may not be large enough to be noticed by others, they can still be bothersome every time you see yourself in the mirror. Smoothbeam laser is a non-invasive (also known as non-ablative) laser and can fix these imperfections while improving the overall quality of your face with its collagen-building properties.
A Smoothbeam treatment typically lasts 10-30 minutes and has no downtime which means you can return back to your normal activities within the same day. The only reported side effect is a slight temporary redness. Take extra care on the face for a few days following after treatment such as avoiding abrasive facial cleansers and using plenty of sunscreen to minimize the possibility of redness.
How does the Smoothbeam Laser Work?
Smoothbeam works by stimulating the body’s natural collagen-building response with its thermal beams. This reverses some of the collagen loss with aging by lifting the scar depressions, prompting the body to fill them in with a new collagen base and thereby fading the acne scars.
This laser incorporates the Dynamic Cooling Device (DCD) by deeply cooling the selected portion of the skin with a blast of cryogen spray, thereby protecting the epidermis layer. The laser beam immediately follows, targeting the upper dermis. This blast of heat from the laser is responsible for collagen development in the deeper layers of skin. This means that the laser actually bypasses the skin’s outer layer and targets the epidermis tissue underneath instead. The process of heating and cooling takes less than a second within each of the thousands of cycles throughout the treatment.

The use of DCD also means that there is no burning, cutting, or skin removal sensation. The laser works at this deeper level which will not be painful nor damaging to the body, resulting in only the possibility of a slight tingling sensation during the treatment.
Smoothbeam Laser is FDA-Approved
Smoothbeam has already been FDA-approved to treat active acne, scars, and even wrinkles. It can treat active acne by targeting its root cause: the sebaceous gland. The sebaceous gland is responsible for producing the oil that causes acne. Smoothbeam alters this production by permanently shrinking these glands, making them produce less oil and therefore less acne by as much as 75% by the fourth treatment. We recommend multiple treatments to adequately stimulate the collagen and reverse the appearance of acne scars and active acne.
Smoothbeam can even assist in smoothing away facial wrinkles too! The loss of collagen and elastin as the skin ages over time causes wrinkles. Smoothbeam reverses this process by reactivating the body’s ability to produce collagen through its unique thermal beam process. This results in skin that is fuller and more elastic.
How does Smoothbeam compare to the Fraxel laser?
The Fraxel laser is the current leading treatment for acne scarring. When comparing the results of the Fraxel and Smoothbeam laser treatment outcomes, Fraxel is definitely a better option for acne scarring while Smoothbeam is better for reducing current acne and reversing overall collagen loss. In other words, Smoothbeam primarily targets active acne and prevents future breakouts and thus future scarring, minimizing the need for a laser like Fraxel to specifically target acne scars.
There are many lasers to choose from and Contour Dermatology’s staff can match you with the perfect laser based on your skin’s needs. If the Smoothbeam laser is right for you and you are a student, Contour offers special student rates for SmoothBeam laser treatments.