Chicken pox (also called varicella) is a classically childhood skin disease that is caused by the varicella zoster virus, the same virus that causes shingles in adults.
Cellulitis is an infection of the deeper subcutaneous layers of the skin with a classic set of signs and symptoms including redness, pain, and warmth, and swelling. (The picture of cellulitis affecting a person’s left leg above shows the redness and swelling, as well as evidence of a bandaged wound on the great toe.)
The most common complaints we
see and treat at Contour Dermatology are brittle nails, funguses, infections and nail dystrophy – the yellowing, thickening, ridges and misshapen nail beds of the toes or fingers.
May-Lissa has combination skin & appreciates a cleanser that contains salicylic acid to help control oil & breakouts & also uses a natural brightening product.
Melanoma is an ominous word that no one wants to hear. Unfortunately each year, Contour Dermatology diagnoses about 100 cases of malignant melanoma.